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Soil Fertility Techniques and Methods in Guoxing Greenhouse

Date:2018-02-09 15:47:54 Click:

Soil fertility and fertilizer for fertilizer characteristics of a great impact. Where the soil is more sticky, more organic content, Paul fertility is relatively strong, even if more fertilizers, nutrients will not be lost. Conversely, the soil is sand, organic matter content is less, then the ability to maintain fertilizer is also relatively weak, in this soil fertilization, each dosage should not be too much, should be used in small quantities, in order to avoid nutrient loss caused by waste. However, the characteristics of the soil for the fertilizer are also different, and some fat and long, stable, this soil is "hungry," a fertilization can be more, fewer times less; Tian, ​​should pay attention to the late crop fertilization; have stamina and less vigorous late field, should pay attention to early fertilization.


The amount of various nutrients in the soil is the main basis for determining what kind of fertilizer should be applied. Soil nutrient status, not only with the soil into the parent material, but also with the former crop has a direct or indirect relationship, in general, as a former crop or green manure beans, soil nitrogen is more, should increase phosphorus , Potash, as in previous crops such as rice or wheat, the soil is depleted in nutrients and nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, especially nitrogen, should be added.


Soil acid-base will affect the fertilization effect, and the application of chemical fertilizers will affect soil pH. Acid soil should choose alkaline fertilizers, such as ammonia, ammonium bicarbonate, calcium magnesium phosphate, alkaline soil should choose acid fertilizers, such as superphosphate, ammonium sulfate, etc., so as to avoid the soil becomes too acid or alkali, and Is conducive to crop nutrient absorption and utilization.